Friday, August 24, 2012

The Unemployed Generation?

Young America is struggling to find work. After getting out of college and college debt has officially surpassed credit card debt in the US.

Young workers are on the bottom of the ladder, are less likely to be employed than at any time since World War II.

The government data details that 41 percent of Americans believe young adults of the nation have felt the impact of the economy more than any other demographic.

On the other hand 29 percent say middle-aged Americans have been hit the hardest and 24 percent believe senior citizens 65 and older have felt the worst of the effects.

Many blame the government data that illustrates record gaps in employment between young and older employees in the job market.

The analysis also revealed that 69 percent of those surveyed think younger adults are having a tougher time than the previous generation to pay for higher education, find employment, purchase property or even save for the future. But not all young Americans are struggling to make ends meet.

One third of the 18 to 34 demographic rate their financial status as exceptional, but for the rest employers have taken advantage of these trying times by cutting wages for entry-level positions as opposed to reducing the  pay of more skilled employees.