Thursday, September 20, 2012

We Know More About the CIA Than the Federal Reserve

Judge Napolitano weighs in on the recent actions of the Federal Reserve, and asks why now is the opportune time to officially introduce the next round of quantitative easing:
The job of the CIA is to steal and keep secrets. We know far more about the CIA than we do about the Federal Reserve. Its members are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, yet it's a private bank that makes its own money, regulates the economy, and can print money.

The Federal government doesn't print money.

The Federal Reserve prints money.

It's not federal. It's not a reserve. It's a private bank.

Why is it flooding the market with cash?

He's (Ben Bernanke) going to create out of thin air forty billion dollars in cash and put it in the accounts of the Federal government. That is more cash chasing, available for, the same amount of goods and service.

Answer: inflation.
What goes up first? The thing we use the most… Fuel, food….

In 2008, as Presidential election day was approaching, the rug was pulled out from under U.S. stock markets by restricting the flow of capital to banks and the broader economy. The crash and subsequent economic crisis was used as a means to torpedo John McCain's Presidential hopes and propel the policies of progessive socialists and Barack Obama into the spotlight.

It looks as if the Federal Reserve may very well be engaging in politics yet again, this time helping to maintain stock market levels. Barack Obama is in a close race with Mitt Romney, and a stock market crash would certainly put the final nail in the coffin of his campaign. The powers that be have decided that now is the time to pump more money into markets, which is strongly supportive of the current administration.

It's simple, really. If markets crash Obama is out and Romney is in.

Mitt Romney, for his part, has now come out against the Fed and called for transparency. He must know that they have conspired against him.

But is Mitt Romney really any different with respect to his position on the fractional reserve monetary system?

Today, this debasement that was at one time punishable by death is business as usual.

If you print money we call it counterfeiting and the punishments are severe.

When the Federal Reserve does the same thing we call it inflation and they are revered.

via SHTF Plan by Mac Slavo on 9/20/12
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